96.6 F
Los Angeles

“Trump concludes the election today!

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이슈 투데이

The attack on Trump’s rally venue in Pennsylvania on July 13 has become an event that will be etched in American history. The shooting incident that occurred as Trump challenges for his second presidency will have a tremendous impact on the US presidential election. How can one not elect a candidate who survived a shooting at a campaign event like a phoenix?

For President Biden, who is being urged to resign even within the Democratic Party due to recent health issues, this incident will completely push him to the sidelines. Elections are about momentum and luck. For Trump, who has been enduring various legal issues, this event seems to blow away all the noisy problems at once.

Now, no matter what candidate the Democratic Party puts forward, it will be difficult to break Trump’s momentum. Is it possible to stop a presidential candidate who returned alive from a shooting like a phoenix?

Now, whether Biden keeps his candidacy or not, the public has become largely indifferent.

If Trump is elected president again, today will be an unforgettable day for him.”

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