By: Jane Kwak, Grade 11, Fullerton Union High School

On March 13, 2023, one of the most controversial and detrimental environmental
projects was approved to continue. On this day, the Willow Project, created by
ConocoPhillips, was passed by legislation, seeking to start oil drilling in Alaska in hopes
of providing more jobs and gaining more revenue for the state of Alaska. With these
benefits, however, also came major consequences. Romany Webb, deputy director of the
Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia Law School, states that the project
will worsen climate change by producing “…as much as 180,000 barrels of oil per day at
its peak and result in around 130 million metric tons of carbon dioxide…” This is
equivalent to almost 22 million liters of oil alone, a quantity so large that it is big enough
to fill around 360 standard-sized pools.

With projects like the Willow Project as well as other factors that affect our
environment destructively, climate change does not seem to be getting better and may
not for a long time. In the month of November alone, The National Center of
Environmental Information puts out that temperatures were 2.59°F higher than the
average 55.2°F, making it the hottest November alone. Comparing these statistics to
years before, by continuing this pernicious act, many habitats may not be suitable for
life anymore and lives will be put at risk.

However, we have the ability to change the problem into a solution simply by
taking the time to change our simple habits. Ryan Hagen from Crowdsourcing
Sustainability reports that the average US citizen releases around 19 tonnes of
greenhouse gasses a year, a major factor that contributes to climate change. If groups of
people minimally reduce their carbon footprints, it can create a global impact that will
end up positively affecting ourselves and our wellbeing. One simple yet efficient way to
decrease emission is by recycling. Not only can recycling help you gain profit, but by
reusing the plastic, it reduces the amount of microplastics emitted, which overall
decreases climate change. Additionally, reducing power usage in homes is an easy way
to reduce carbon footprints. From washing dishes by hand to air-drying clothes,
stopping these usual activities significantly decreases gas emission.

Despite the fact that many projects such as the Willow Project will continue to get
approved, by simply changing our norms and searching for ways to diminish climate
change activities, we can ensure a healthy environment that will ensure the happiness of


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