As November 5th approaches, bringing with it the U.S. presidential election, a concerning trend has emerged within our California Korean-American community. Many among us have grown apathetic towards voting, harboring the belief that our individual ballots hold little sway over the presidential outcome in our state. However, it is imperative that we challenge this misconception and reaffirm the true value and significance of our electoral participation.

It is crucial to recognize that the presidential race, while undoubtedly important, is not the sole focus of our civic duty. Local elections, often overlooked, wield tremendous influence over our daily lives. The development of Koreatown, the quality of our children’s education, and the vitality of our local economy—all these pivotal issues are determined through local ballots. Our votes in these races carry substantial weight, directly shaping the communities we call home.

Historically, the Korean-American community’s low voter turnout has resulted in our voices being marginalized in the political arena. City council members have felt empowered to disregard our community’s needs precisely because we have not shown up at the polls in force. The time has come for a paradigm shift in our political engagement.

This election cycle presents us with critical opportunities to effect tangible change. We must rally behind Korean-American candidates who understand our community’s unique challenges and aspirations. Additionally, we should lend our support to Proposition 36, a measure with the potential to bring about significant improvements to our neighborhood. Furthermore, it is incumbent upon us to carefully consider our choice for district attorney, as this position holds immense sway over the administration of justice in our community.

Let us dispel the notion that voting is merely a civic obligation. Rather, it is our most potent tool for community empowerment and progress. Each ballot cast is a brick in the foundation of our collective future, a testament to our commitment to self-governance and community welfare.

On November 5th, let us unite in a show of civic engagement that cannot be ignored. By exercising our right to vote en masse, we send a resounding message: the Korean-American community is a formidable political force, one that demands respect and representation.

Our participation is our power. Our votes are our voice. Together, let us seize this opportunity to shape the future of our community, our city, and our nation. The change we seek begins at the ballot box—let us meet there with unwavering resolve and a shared vision for a brighter tomorrow.


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