
Oh, what a day in the City of Angels!

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많이 본 뉴스

청취자 제보

이슈 투데이

The city administration has been busy removing flower pots along Highland Boulevard in Hollywood. These aren’t just any flower pots, mind you. They were installed by local residents and business owners back in May to prevent homeless encampments. Because, you know, the increasing number of homeless camps is such a nuisance to businesses and apparently exacerbates the crime problem in the area.

One local resident even said, “After these pots were installed, we could finally walk along the road, and the dirty road became clean and safe.” But the city, in its infinite wisdom, decided these pots were obstructions not permitted in the area and removed them. Because, of course, you need city permission to install flower pots on the street. So, they classified them as obstructions and notified the installers of their removal.

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But wait, there’s more! Despite the removal, some business owners plan to install new flower pots. Mr. Andrew, owner of Monheim Microphones, testified that illegal activities have noticeably decreased since the pots were installed.

This is just another typical day in LA, where the authorities are lenient towards people setting up drug dens and various homeless camps on the streets, but won’t tolerate the audacity of citizens installing flower pots for survival. It’s a strange phenomenon, really.

It’s a harsh reality in California today, where law-abiding citizens face strict application of the law, while lawbreakers enjoy leniency. It’s a tad uncomfortable this afternoon, realizing that the homeless seem to be treated better than the tax-paying citizens. But hey, that’s life in the Golden State for you!

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