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Los Angeles

Record Number of SoCal Residents Expected to Travel for Memorial Day

많이 본 뉴스

청취자 제보

이슈 투데이

3.5 million people in Southern California are expected to travel long distances during the Memorial holiday, breaking the record for the highest travel wave.

According to the Automobile Club, the size of the 3.5 million travelling population exceeds the record set in 2019 before the pandemic.

The size of the travel population is up 4.7 percent from last year, and it is up 4.2 percent from 2019.

Nationally, 43.8 million people are estimated to travel during the Memorial holiday.
This is an increase of 4.1 percent from last year and 2.4 percent from 2019.

The top destinations for Southern California travelers are expected to
be Las Vegas, San Diego, the Grand Canyon, Hawaii and Seattle/Alaska

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