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Korean American Dies After Unprovoked Assault in LA’s Koreatown

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In a shocking incident that highlights the growing safety concerns in Los Angeles’ Koreatown, a 19-year-old Korean American man has died following an unprovoked assault in broad daylight. This tragedy occurs amidst increasing violent crimes in the area, making residents fear for their safety while walking the streets.

The victim, identified as Joon Hee Han, was attacked by a passing Black man on the street. After lingering in a comatose state for five days, Han passed away. Following his wishes, his organs were donated before he departed.

According to the victim’s father, Chris Han, the incident took place around 4:30 PM on the 18th of last month. Joon Hee Han was walking near 7th Street and Serrano Avenue in Koreatown when he was attacked by a Black man passing by. The attack left Han brain-dead after five days, eventually leading to his death.

On the day of the incident, Han was walking to his part-time job when he made eye contact with a Black man riding an electric scooter in the opposite direction. Moments later, the man unexpectedly returned and forcefully pushed Han from behind. Han, who was wearing earphones and unaware of the man’s approach, fell to the ground, severely hitting his face and head. The assailant didn’t stop there; he proceeded to punch Han as he lay on the ground.

Despite being physically fit, Han chose to flee rather than fight back, fearing the attacker might be armed.

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Chris Han reported that his son showed no apparent symptoms for 4-5 days following the attack. However, on the 23rd of last month, around 2 AM, Joon Hee suddenly collapsed while with friends. He turned pale, started vomiting, and complained of vision loss in one eye. His breathing soon became unstable.

A friend studying nursing quickly performed CPR and called 911. At the hospital, Han was sedated and put on a ventilator for examination. The next morning, his condition improved briefly but deteriorated rapidly by 2 PM, prompting doctors to suggest surgery. Despite emergency surgery, Han showed no improvement and was declared brain-dead on the 25th.

After five days of resisting, Han’s mother finally agreed to remove life support, persuaded by his father. On August 1st, following Han’s previously expressed wishes, his organs were donated, giving new life to several recipients before he passed away.

An autopsy concluded that Han’s death was caused by brain damage due to a blood clot resulting from the assault, not a natural brain condition like a stroke. The case has been transferred to the prosecutor’s office.

Chris Han revealed that authorities are investigating using CCTV footage from the area but lack substantial evidence. He pleaded for eyewitnesses to come forward, stating, “The only thing we can do for our son who died unjustly is to catch the perpetrator.”

Witnesses are urged to contact (213) 382-9470 with any information.

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