63.8 F
Los Angeles

Burglaries hit LA fashion district

많이 본 뉴스

청취자 제보

이슈 투데이

Over the weekend, thieves broke into a dozen stores in the Fashion District of downtown Los Angeles, stealing cash and goods during the early morning hours.

The affected stores are located in the American Garment Center mall along San Pedro and Pico in the downtown Fashion District. According to a Korean business owner nearby, thieves began their spree on Friday night and continued for three consecutive nights, targeting businesses in the Fashion District by breaking through interior walls to move between stores.

“The walls in the district buildings are actually quite weak, so it seems easy to keep breaking through them,” a source noted.

The crimes are believed to have occurred over three nights: Friday night to Saturday morning, Saturday night to Sunday morning, and Sunday night to Monday morning. Some businesses discovered the damage when they opened on Monday, the 26th.

The thieves stole cash, computers, and financial documents stored in the stores. Affected store owners reportedly filed police reports on Monday, the 26th

The building manager where the affected businesses are located reportedly received the first damage report last Saturday but failed to take appropriate action, likely leading to additional incidents.

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