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Los Angeles

Mayor Bass Takes Urgent Action To Address Recent Crime in San Fernando Valley

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LA Mayor Karen Bass is taking urgent action to address recent crime in the San Fernando Valley. Mayor Bass was in Encino with LAPD officers yesterday to speak with families about the urgent action being taken in neighborhoods that have been affected by recent burglaries. The Mayor also spoke to residents at two community Valley meetings regarding this issue.

On Wednesday, Mayor Bass visited LAPD Van Nuys Division in the valley and participated in a ride-along with LAPD officers to examine safety challenges and discuss efforts to continue to bring crime down.

“I’ve directed urgent action in relation to recent incidents in the Valley and have worked closely with LAPD to take aggressive action to keep residents safe.” Mayor Bass said.

Since July, home invasion burglaries have been rampant in the San Fernando Valley, mainly in the Encino area.

As the sentiment spreads among local residents that they cannot rely on law enforcement authorities, neighborhood watch groups are being organized in this area. Some residents are hiring private security guards to patrol around their homes.

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