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Los Angeles

LAPD is asking for information in the case of unprovoked attack in Koreatown

많이 본 뉴스

청취자 제보

이슈 투데이

LAPD is investigating the case of Han Jun-hee, a 19-year-old Korean American teen who died after being assaulted by a black man while walking down the street in Koreatown.

Han Jun-hee was assaulted by a black man at the end of July on South Harvard Boulevard and 7th Street and five days after the assault, he suffered brain death and eventually died.

LAPD said in a statement today that West bureau Homicide detectives are pursuing for witness statements and evidence to find a black man who assaulted Han, and asked residents who has information that could help solve the case to contact police at 213-382-9470.

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