93.2 F
Los Angeles

Endless attacks on metro bus drivers by homeless..

많이 본 뉴스

청취자 제보

이슈 투데이

How long will this be ignored? Another incident of a metro bus driver being attacked has occurred. Today (27th), around 9:45 AM, a homeless woman who boarded a bus near North Street and Temple Avenue in downtown Los Angeles got into an argument with the bus driver. During the altercation, the bus driver’s glasses were taken away, resulting in injuries to the driver’s face. The homeless woman got off the bus and fled, but the driver chased after her to retrieve the glasses, leading to a physical struggle between the two. Despite the haphazard security measures implemented by LA Metro, various acts of violence continue to occur. Without fundamental policy changes within the LA Metro board, ensuring safety for the metro system seems challenging. It is crucial to recruit public transportation experts as board members and establish transportation and security policies that exclude political issues.

It’s concerning to hear about incidents like this, especially when they impact the safety of both drivers and passengers. Strengthening security measures and addressing underlying policy issues are essential steps to improve safety within the public transportation system.

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